API Service Endpoints

FSC® Certification Status API




The FSC® Developer Portal provides FSC stakeholders – FSC certificate holders, FSC certification bodies, FSC Network Partners, FSC staff, FSC members and FSC promotional license holders – to programmatic interfaces to check the status and retrieve the certificate scope details of an FSC Certificate.

 The GET method of the API takes as input the ‘Certification License Code’, in the format of FSC-Cxxxxxx and returns the response as detailed below.

Path Parameters

The Get method takes a path parameter name certificateLicenseCode.

 certificateLicenseCode is the ‘License Code’ of the certification for which the details are needed. For. Ex: FSC-C127951

 When no parameter is passed, an error message is returned.

Query Parameters


Header Parameters

Cache-Control: no-cache

Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: The user's primary or secondary subscription key

Body Parameters



The response would in the form of JSON. A sample response can be found below:

        "LicenseCode": "FSC-C140274",
        "CertificateStatus": "Issued",
        "LicenseStatus": "Valid",
        "FirstIssueDate": "2018-03-20",
        "LastIssueDate": "2018-03-20",
        "ExpiryDate": "2023-05-19",
        "CompanyName": "This is a test, please ignore",
        "LocalCompanyName": "",
        "CompanyCountry": "GERMANY",
        "AddressLine1": "Test Street",
        "AddressCity": "Test Town",
        "AddressStateProvince": "",
        "AddressPostalCode": "",
        "Standard": "FSC-STD-40-004 V3-0",
        "CertificateType": "COC",
        "Products": [
                "ProductLevel1": "",
                "ProductLevel2": "",
                "ProductLevel3": "",
                "PrimaryActivity": "",
                "SecondaryActivity": "",
                "MainOutputCategory": "",
                "ProductSpecies": [
                        "Species": ""

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